First half (punchy action style)
- one superhero flies in to save the day
- moves on to next disaster, other superhero intervenes
- first is frustrated
- they both try to outdo the other is a series of shots
- increases in danger every time
- Becomes playful and flirty
- Shots continue to a climax of them meeting face to face and realizing they were into each other
- both leave, afraid to take the next step
- either one leaves an item the other picks up (Cinderella) or one notices a feature of the other (earring, tattoo, birthmark)
Second half (slow and subtle)
- super 1 is in a bar, not with anyone
- in civilian clothes but still recognizable to audience
- super 2 sits down and the two start chatting
- flirting
- going well until one of the super notices the feature from earlier
- Confused, not sure what to think
- Look away at News alert on TV of a new disaster
- looks back and other guy is gone but something about item from earlier
- OR both look at each other and make excuses to leave